#/ dhclient [option] [Interface]
1. 取得dhcp ip
#/ dhclient eth0
2. 釋放ip
#/ dhclient -r eth0
1. #/ dhclient -r eth0
2. #/ dhclient eth0
這樣就可以再次取得 DHCP的IP
1 ms = 10-3 //milli-second, 10 的 -3 次方
1 μs = 10-6 //micro-second, 10 的 -6 次方
1 ns = 10-9 //nano-second, 10 的 -9 次方
1. apt-get install git-core //install git tool
apt-get install make //install make tool, to make iperf3
3. git clone https://github.com/esnet/iperf //clone iperf3 source code
4. cd iPerf //go to the iperf3 source code folder, and compile it
5. ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared ; make ; make install //static build
apt-get install gcc